Learn to code with Apple’s Swift Playgrounds on your iPad
Apple is releasing Swift Playgrounds for iPads in the fall that allows users to learn to code using Swift...
The importance of bug fixes on app updates
Updates on already downloaded apps usually go unnoticed by the user unless there is a new feature being introduced...
Apple Comic Book shows app review guidelines
Apple came out with a creative way to share the rules and guidelines around the app review process. A...
Apple iOS 10 update allows users to delete built-in apps
Apple allows users to delete built in apps on IOS 10 but warns that this may affect related system...
iOS 10 Announcement
Apple announced a new version of its operating system for iPhones, iPads, and iPad Touches. iOS 10 will be...
Apple Asks Developers To Verify Their Version Of Xcode Following Malware Attack On Chinese App Store
Following the recent reveal that the Chinese Apple App Store had become infested with malware, thanks to dozens of...
iOS 9 – A review by Techcrunch
“A Powerful iPad Experience And Many Refinements Make iOS Flow Better.” Apple has been releasing major iOS updates every...
iOS 9 Will Launch On September 16
Apple’s next mobile operating system, iOS 9, now has an official release date: September 16. The company first announced...
How Apple will change everything – again
At the threshold of Silicon Valley 4.0 (roughly 2022), people will be connected everywhere, but traversing the space between...